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Lesson 3 Reflection Assignment

Lesson 3 Reflection Assignment

Q After watching the documentary War Made Easy or Norman Solomon's talk (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., answer each of the following questions in your own words. Answers to each question should be 2 to 4 sentences long. Full assignment should be no longer than one page, 12 point type, double spaced. Be sure to watch the documentary or Solomon's talk in full before completing your reflection. In Norman Solomon’s opinion, how did mainstream news organization fail in the days leading up to the war? Identify at least two specific concepts in the Lesson 3 reading and/or presentation that are illustrated by Solomon's work, and briefly explain. Choose a political news story published within the last month that either illustrates, or intentionally exposes, at least one of the manipulative communication techniques Solomon identifies. Briefly explain. (Be sure you are choosing a news story, not an opinion or editorial. While it should be about a topical political issue, it does not need to be about war, specifically). Are Solomon’s arguments about the failures of mainstream news media convincing? Why or why not?

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According to Norman Solomon’s opinion, the mainstream news organization had failed in doing their job properly due to which it led to more war. During the Vietnam War, he was doubtful whether they were receiving the truth or lies for there were many striking parallel problems. It is not new that government from the very beginning has been using media as a tool for propaganda by displaying invoking images of nationalism and fear of threats for public support thus making it biased.